Geological Consultancy

The Rock Post publications provide consultancy services across the geological and mining spectrum. We co-opt the best possible specialists when the need arises, to undertake, with our close supervision, jobs in any area of the sector. They are tested, renown professionals registered as ‘chattered’ professionals in Nigeria. Depending on the challenge, these seasoned gurus are drawn into a pool, with each taking on the prospect, head-on

Competent Person reporting

We are available to serve as competent persons and ‘objective’ arbiter-supervisors. We stick to the provisions of the Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act and Regulations. Also, we comply strictly to the code of conduct of the Council of Nigeria Mining Engineers and Geo-scientists (CONMEG), our regulatory body.

Detailed Resource Survey 

Trust us to conduct a thorough material resource survey through our consultancy services. Our affiliate specialists are conversant with a wide range of resource occurrences across the country and, thus, can structure a unique programme towards basic resource targeting through a scientific understanding of mineralization controls. The exercise combines an array of investigation techniques, including geological/geo-chemical, geo-physical and confirmation drilling.

Sampling Programmes

The quality of our sampling campaign and execution will surely amaze you. Our consultants are highly specialised in the various sampling techniques, such as drill sampling for core and grab, surface and underground water, soil, rocks and vegetation.

A well-designed, reliable desktop and field inter-face programme ensures sampling integrity through careful handling and storage. The use of appropriate checks is also initiated to establish accuracy.

Tenement appraisal & Management

We can be relied upon to vigorously appraise your tenement towards investment consideration and negotiation. This evaluation targets the mineral of interest, mining / processing machineries installed (if available), the title vis-a-vis location and general development.

We can also assist you with application and management of tenement in Nigeria. This relies on our familiarity with requirement processes to determine when any becomes available. Statutory reporting obligations are an added area of our services. Just make us your first choice and we promise to be their to meet your specific needs.

Drilling and Resource Reporting

Relying on our knowledge of Nigeria’s terrain, we can assist you with contacts of dependable core drilling companies and drill supervision monitoring, leading to resource reporting. Contact us