MECON Geology and Engineering Services Ltd, is a company registered in 1977 as a business name and later in 1983 as a limited liability company, (RC 52397) it is a firm of exploration geologists / hydrologists, Water Resources Management Engineers, Groundwater / Surface water development and Environmental Scientists, Specialists, Community/Rural water development Engineers and Hydrogeologists.
Solid Mineral Development experts, geological mapping, drilling and reserve estimate specialist. Geotechnical Engineers, Water well drillers flood vulnerability / mitigation Experts, including Natural and Man-made hazards e.g erosion, land subsidence and other environmental phenomenon. Other areas of our expertise include underground mine water dewatering problems and the effect of mining on the environment. We are a Council of Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG) Registered firm with, GEM No. 0000014.
Over the years, since our inception we have worked hard to acquire the necessary experience and technology to deliver great service to our growing number of clients. MECON Geology and Engineering Services Ltd published a 400-page standard book on “Groundwater Study and Development in Nigeria” authored by Dr. M.E Offodile, widely read and used by professionals in the Water Industry in Nigeria.
Mecon has been involved in a series of regional geological mapping programmes, ranging from geological mapping of parts of the Upper Benue Trough: Chevron OPLS 801, 810, 812, 813 possible hydrocarbon bearing Rocks (for Chevron Petroleum Nig. Ltd), geological mapping for limestone and gypsum, for AshakaCem Cement Company Plc., and gypsum in the Upper Benue Trough within the Ewekoro Formation, Southwest Nigeria, for Lafarge Cement WAPCO. These activities have led to the preparation of standard geological maps for mineral Exploration and Stratigraphical studies. The company has carried out extensive geological mapping and mineral exploration in other parts of the Benue Trough of Nigeria, covering Barytes, Lead, Zinc, Salt/Evaporates, Gypsum, Trona, Limestone, Glass sand and Pozollane. In this regard Mecon has been a raw material Consultant to Lafarge group, via AshakaCem Plc, Lafarge Cement WAPCO., Ewekoro and Shagamu and Unicem Calabar. Other exploits, include the discovery, mapping and detailed exploration, through extensive drilling programme, of a proven coal reserve/deposit for AshakaCem Plc., in Gombe State, leading to the development and establishment of the first coal mine in Northern Nigeria. In this exclusive interview, CHUKA OFFODILE, the Technical Director, sat down with The Rock Post crew…
Q. What are some of the challenges confronting your company in the course of this project?
R. Funds, lack of security.
Q. What is the anticipated impact of your explored mineral on the Nigerian economy?
R. Transition of barite mining from its artisanal level to mechanized. Development of barites and associated mineral value chain. Generate employment Reduction to zero importation of barites for the oil sector and possible export to earn Forex.
Q. Take us through the project anticipated Deliverables.
R. – All barite deposits within the investigative blocks
– Map the 3 blocks to deduce the geological setting
– Rank the deposits
– Chemical analysis of samples
– Coring and trenching to prove the disposition of the deposits
– Possible rough reserve of the deposits.
Q. Tell us about the exploration machineries /Equipment that you are deploying to achieve the set targets
R. – General geological tools for mapping- compass, GPS, geo hammers, base maps
– Diamond core drill rigs
– Excavators and back hoes
– Vehicles
– Various softwares and GIS tools
– Chemical laboratory (XRF)
Q. With this being a sort of turnkey project, how confident are you to deliver?
R. We are very confident
Q.. How would you rate the performance of local Geoscientists’ embedded in your technical team? Can you justify they have benefitted technically from this project?
R. They have benefitted immensely
Q. So far, share some of your key findings with us.
R. Numerous new finds that will need a lot of attention.
Q. If this project becomes successful, do you see Nigeria on track to become a world class mining destination?
R. Yes
Q. Would you confirm that the project timeline is sufficient?
R. Time line not sufficient
Q. Any word of advice for the government, going forward?
R. Much more funds required, government should do more in investing in exploration, however it’s a good start and we hope it’s more continuous as exploration is not an event but a long-drawn process that takes a lot of time and resources.
Company MD/CEO
Dr. M.E Offodile, (FNMGS, FNAH, COMEG registered 0015) is a well-known Nigerian Hydrologist and Exploration Geologist, with over 40 years working experience in the geosciences, water/environment and mining industry. He has undertaken several geological and hydrological studies and investigations, water management and development and has authored several geoscientific articles and books. Also the author of 400 page standard book on “Groundwater Study and Development in Nigeria” which is widely read and used by professionals across the Water Industry in Nigeria.
His experience has gone beyond from the defunct Geological Survey of Nigeria to the defunct Nigerian Mining Corporation and presently, as the managing Consultant of Mecon Geology & Engineering Services.
Mr. Steffen Kalbskopf, is a Briton based in cape Town, South Africa; married for over 30years with 3 children, has over 40 years’ experience in gold and base metal exploration, mine geology and management in 16 countries in Africa and Peru. He is a fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa, has persevered through inhospitable terrains from desert to equatorial jungle both supervising and mentoring junior staff as well as interacting with senior management in Central Africa. He has Experience in multi-cultural environments, ranging from the corporate sector to private consulting for over 16 years. He has authored competent reports for base metal deposits in central Africa and authored more than 15 articles and resource papers in various journals and magazines. He was part of the team involved in the discovery and recognition of the giant Kamoa (DRC) copper deposit as well as a +130M tonne copper deposit in NW Zambia. In the 1980’s he served the Ministry of Mines in Zimbabwe where he acted as an advisor and consultants to miners and government bodies.
His competence is in the application of industry best practice, preparation of NI 43-101 & JORC and other technical reports plus mentoring of junior staff in very diverse geological environment but more particularly imparting an understanding of sediment-hosted deposits.
Apart from the barytes deposit, Steffen is acting as a CP for the consultants for the NIMEP Lot A3 Pb-Zn deposits and is part of the consulting team and CP adjunct for the MMSD Lot A4 Iron Ore Programme. Steffen has also had some exposure to gold and pegmatite mineralisation in central Nigeria. He is South African Council for Natural Scientific Profession, (SACNASP) registered.